XC Skiing in the Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge, the Temperature is 4 degrees F
View from the Observation Deck in the Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge
Winter Biking Valley Road in Jefferson on a Blue BIrd Day for the Presidential views
Horses, dogs, skiers, snowmobilers.....everyone loves the Presidential Rail Trail in Randolph in the winter
Fatbiking on the Presidential Rail Trail in Randolph. The snowmobile club grooms the trail!
Androscoggin River alongside Hogan Road in Shelburne
Wintry river and ice flows, shades of winter blue. Ammonoosuc River, Lisbon
Looking north up the Ammonoosuc River from the Bath Covered Bridge. Snowmobiles are enjoying the trail, fatbikes, too. The trail is just barely visible along river's edge.
XC Skiing with a friend in the Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge in Jefferson.
It has been a great year for snow in the North Country of New Hampshire. Photo taken March 21, 2019
End of March: Valley Road in Jefferson is starting to get that Mud Season feeling. Skiing is still excellent, so not a problem, yet.
Enjoying a coffee in the sunshine with an Ammonoosuc River view at the Inkwell Coffee Shop in Littleton. Hey, there is the Cross NH Adventure Trail, the Littleton Riverwalk section, across the river!
Early April: It will be awhile before we will be out on the bikes....
Mid April: Even the local paper notices when the bikes start showing up again. We are trying to get out there, the sun is warm, the roads are starting to clean up after some rainstorms that wash away the salt.....
Rails to Trails Conservancy Trail of the Month: Presidential Rail Trail, Calendar Photo, Month of December, 2013