Click on Map Links Below to Find Maps in
We recommend downloading the RideWithGPS, carrying the fold-out map and having the cue sheet along for the ride, too.
The 2nd Edition Paper Map is Available!
This map is GREAT to have when planning your trip!
The 7-panel, accordion-fold map is printed on a waterproof paper, perfect to guide you when planning your trip and while biking the trail.
The 2nd Edition map includes the new miles of rail trail
and more of the amenities along the way as
compared to the first edition.
This map was designed by Larry Garland, the cartographer for the Appalachian Mountain Club.
To obtain the map by the US Postal Service just email your mailing address to us at [email protected].
Use this map along with the cue sheet or downloaded GPS data to provide all the information you need for your adventure.
In 2022, we used $8000.00 of our grant money and donations for mailing the free maps, including envelopes and postage. YIKES!
This was the most maps mailed per year over the 4 years we
have been working on the route!
This is an achievement! But a big cost, too!
If you can, a tiny donation would help us to keep these
beautiful maps in print and mailed to
everyone who requests one.
Donations of $5.00 and more rolled in last year, they are
really appreciated and really helped to fund the maps and mailings!
Below are pdfs of the front and back side of the
7-panel map of the entire route.
You can take screen shots of sections these the pdfs and print them out in
parts and pieces if you like. BUT... Best to just have us mail one to you!

cross_nh_trail_west_2023-24.pdf | |
File Size: | 3484 kb |
File Type: |

cross_nh_trail_east_2023-24.pdf | |
File Size: | 2498 kb |
File Type: |
Contact Us:
Disclaimer: The Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail and the authors of the website, social media and maps strive to prepare accurate information about the route and the conditions. However, they make no warranty, representation, or guaranty as to the accuracy of any information presented. Conditions on the route can change without warning due to weather, flooding, wear and tear, construction, tree falls, vehicles on the route, etc. You should verify the accuracy of all information obtained from this web site, wear a helmet and abide by safe bicycling standards. By using or relying on any material contained on this site, the user knowingly waives any and all claims for damages against any and all of the entities comprising the Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail that may arise from the contained information.